Warrior Basic Career Skill List

Warrior Basic Career Skill List
List: Warrior Basic Career
Cost: 10
Skill Type: Martial
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

By purchasing this 10 build skill, a character learns the basics of being a warrior.

This will enable them to buy any Warrior Career List skills at the ‘on list’ cost, and refund any build spent on skills they purchased for the “off list” cost.

For example, Syl learns Bow off list for 9 build. She also learns 1 weapon proficiency for 15 build. Deciding that she would like to learn more warrior skills, she learns Warrior Basic Career Skill List earning a refund of (15-10=5)+(9-3=6) 11 build, more than enough to have made learning the list worth it. 

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